martes, 28 de junio de 2011


Culture of the zone

We can find different activities in Matucana, specially talking about Adventure Sports.


Matucana is known as a good place to do different activities, like trekking, camping. Is  a place where you can relax, and enjoy nature.

Going in group of friends, family, or with your couple.
Natural places you can visit in Matucana are: 
  • Cascadas de Huariquiña, between 70 and 73 km at Central Highway
  • Arca  lagoon at 4650msnm, at the east of the city, you have to walk 10 hours since Marachanca, it is a really hard activity
  • Catarata of Antakallo, placed at 2 hours from the town center.

Religious Activities

24 of June

They celebrate the festivity of San Juan Bautista, or Fiesta de San Juan and San Juanito, both, patrons of Matucana, they celebrate this day with fireworks the Eve (23 of June). on 24 there is a  mass in the main Church of San Juan Bautista. They drink, eat and dance with San Francisco de Sunicancha  and Melodies from Sunicancha Band Orchestra

25 September

Political Creation of Matucana Anniversary

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